Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Training programme

Coordinator: Sofía Pérez del Pulgar

One of the aims of the CIBEREHD is to promote the training of our researchers, for both contracted staff (in their four professional categories) and attached personnel, to raise the standard of our research and facilitate interaction between the different groups. These tasks are coordinated through the Training Plan as part of the Annual Action Plan.

The Training Plan of the CIBER de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas is implemented in the following measures:

  • Training stays at CIBEREHD centres.
  • Short training stays in Spain or abroad (for at most six weeks and in exceptional cases up to 3 months).
  • Intramural visiting teacher programmes.
  • Holding training Courses or Activities considered to be of interest for the CIBEREHD.
  • Promoting scientific activities organised by members of the CIBEREHD (sponsoring and financing seminars, symposia, workshops, courses for postgraduates, etc.)
  • Cooperation with training activities of scientific associations and virtual training activities through the web page when these are education activities considered of interest for the CIBEREHD.

Training stays

Access the scientific and administrative criteria to request this action in the following documents:


  • CIBEREHD Bioinformatics Course:
    • Courses organised jointly by the Training Programme and the CIBEREHD Bioinformatics Platform.
  • CIBEREHD Research School:

    • The research school is a classroom-based training action carried out by the CIBEREHD for its researchers with the aim of training staff in strategic topics for research in Liver and Digestive Diseases. The Research School will be held periodically (at least once a year), the subject matter will be different every year and the venue will change throughout Spain.